NASA scientists imagined some innovative technologies that could enhance a future mission to Uranus or Neptune
Breakthroughs include measuring the true nature of the universe, finding new species of human ancestors, and unlocking new ways to fight disease
In a new offering from Smithsonian Books, James Trefil and Michael Summers explore the life forms that might exist on a dizzying array of exoplanets
You've got question. We've got experts
New titles explore the workings of the human body, the lives of animals big and small, the past and future of planet earth and how it's all connected
Ann Hodges remains the only human known to have been injured by direct impact of a meteorite
A powerful outburst in a distant galaxy produced photons with high enough energies to be detected by ground-based telescopes for the first time
Never before had scientists seen the phenomenon until they rallied colleagues around the world to view a galaxy far, far away
Few people claimed to fully understand it, but the esoteric theory still managed to spark the public's imagination
Eileen Collins talked to <i>Smithsonian</i> about her career in the Air Force and NASA, women in aerospace and more
Many of the planets that are roughly the size of Jupiter orbit right next to their stars, burning at thousands of degrees
Planetary scientist Kevin Cannon talks about the logistics of feeding a population of one million on the Red Planet
The "world’s most honored woman astrophysicist" worked tirelessly for decades to measure the makeup of the sun and the stars
The planet K2-18b, about 110 light-years away, could have swirling clouds and falling rains of liquid water droplets
The NASA rotorcraft, resembling a large quadcopter drone, will fly through the orange clouds of the ocean moon in the outer solar system
Recent discoveries suggest that the planet's distinctive feature may be gone in the cosmic blink of an eye
From exoplanets to chemical reactions, scientists inch closer to solving the great mystery of how life forms from inanimate matter
A female-led crew trained for nine days in an undersea laboratory in the Atlantic to get a sense of what it's like to live and work in microgravity
The star S0-2 gets so close to the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy that it can be used to test our fundamental understanding of gravity
Apollo at 50: We Choose to Go to the Moon
After the success of Apollo 11, NASA unveiled an ambitious agenda for more missions into space, but interest among the public was beginning to decline
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